Monday, July 19, 2010

Churchill Day 4: Polar bear safety

This post was written Monday, but the internet has been out lately..

Today not many cores were collected, but our knowledge of polar bear safety was expanded. All who do extended periods of study here are required to take a bear safety course and gun safety (for carrying a rifle in case of bears). The following is a bit of what we learned. Apparently there is no bear that you want to see up close, but there is a certain order of which 'types' of bears you especially do not want to see. A mama and cubs are the most dangerous type, so important to avoid at all costs. Another interesting and terrifying fact: polar bears can charge at the same speed as a race horse. (Such as in LOST when the polar bear charges Sawyer, Kate, Charlie and the gang... however, it is not really possible to kill a bear with a shotgun, unless you're Sawyer of course. VIDEO)

The types of guns used here at the station to either scare, or if it comes down to it to shoot a bear is a 12 gauge shotgun (seen in my picture in previous post). Today I learned how to shoot one! Very exciting, and it certainly added to the badass feel that has been accumulating since I arrived here. I am just hoping I never have to actually use it, or encounter a bear close up!

Anyway, at night we had a "research in action" tour where all of the locals, tourists, and researchers were invited to go see and hear about a few of the long-term student run studies here. I have found that most people are interested in learning about animal studies (like the plovers), then small things they can see (there were a few studies on plants, insects, and even zooplankton), and a far last place goes to interest in peatland studies. I guess no one really wants to go sit in the mosquitoes and look at the bogs. Understandable. However, I do believe that the peat bogs give us much more insight to climate change than cute plover babies! But perhaps I am biased.


  1. LOVE the Lost reference, and video, of course! As fast as a race horse?! Interesting fact!

  2. Sweet! Training to use a shotgun. In the arctic. To avoid bears. Sick!

    Great posts and cool to see what you're up to!
