Saturday, November 14, 2009

Desperate climate times call for oddball measures --

Desperate climate times call for oddball measures --

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The idea of geoengineering seems very exciting, and possible in theory, but I highly doubt that these ideas would include any actual solution. I haven't researched any of these concepts, but every time that we have manipulated the environment in the past (e.g. introducing foreign plant/animal species, leading to these becoming 'invasive' species that kill off all of the local plants/animals) it hasn't gone out quite the way we planned. I can just see us launching a million mirrors into our atmosphere, and I'm picturing tiny chards of glass raining back down on us... Maybe that's a bit extreme, but I still don't like the idea. Even if bioengineering solves the problem of excess carbon dioxide, it has the potential to create a whole slew of new environmental problems. I do like the idea of artificial trees, though I doubt that people would get over the notion that they're 'ugly' (I think they're a lot more beautiful than highways). Small scale geoengineering like this seems more feasible to me since if they don't work, at least they wont change our entire environment.

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